After... no more nasty plants, no more RV cover, coi pond (or so they said), crab grass, dividing fence and on and on!
For all of you who have been wondering why Matt is always busy... here is a visual to help you understand! The back yard is a totally different place now. I love being back there! Hopefully next summer Matt and his son can play in the back yard instead of work... I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I tired to post theses pictures a couple of weeks ago but my computer was on strike and refused to cooperate... or may be it was user error... anyways.
Odie boy.... just being cute!
Russ... listening to baby!
The Hammock... It's a trap! Me, Matt and the dogs all curled up together on it the other day to try it out and just like that, an hour was gone...POOF! This thing shoud have come with a warning..."you are getting very sleepy". It sure is beautiful though. Matt is so good. Wait 'till you see his next project.
I mentioned a while back that I thought it would be fun to have a hammock in the backyard.... the above picture is my oh so loving husband slaving away to make me a custom one!!! I cant wait. This June when I am HUGE and swollen and tired... you will know where to find me.
"Logan's" (a name we are thinking of) closet is slowly filling up. Yes, those are little fire boots on the floor!! So stinkin' cute.
We are in week 21 now and Matt and I FINALLY felt him kick a couple of days ago. Just like that he went from merely a ''belly bump" to a tiny little person. Sometimes he is moving so much, I would swear he is building a fort in there. I wonder where he gets it from? I love it!!